A really nice and fluffy banana pancake. Next time I'll try adding some cinnamon. Because cinnamon, that's why.
- Bland sammen 1 banan og 2 egg
- Smelt smør i en stekepanne på medium-høy varme
- Hell alt i stekepannen (hvis den er stor nok) og stek i 5-10 minutter
- Snu pannekaken og stek i ytterlige 3 minutter ca

If your jug isn't glowing, you're doing something wrong.
- Mix together 1 banana and 2 eggs
- Melt butter in a frying pan at medium-high heat
- Pour everything in the frying pan (if it's large enough) and cook for 5-10 minutes
- Turn around and cook for another 3 minutes or so

I don't want to hear a word that the avocado chocolate pudding looks like poo. Not a word.

It's delicious with banana chunks and strawberry jam
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