Coloured white chocolate confectionery

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

100 g malte mandler (ikke-feddredusert mandelmel)
40 g smeltet kokosolje
40-50 g hvit sjokolade (gjerne Cavalier med stevia)
1/4 dl sukrin
frøene fra en vaniljestang (eller tilsvarende vaniljeekstrakt)
60 g kremost
2 små egg
1/2 toppet ts bakepulver

- Smelt olje og sjokolade sammen over kokende vann (prøv å unngå karamellisering av sjokoladen).
- Visp sammen egg, kremost og sukrin, gjerne i blenderen.
- Bland sammen alle ingrediensene tilslutt.
- Ha røra i små muffinsformer.
- Stek på 160 grader i 15-20 minutter.
- Avkjøl før du spiser.

100 g ground almonds (or non-fat reduced almond flour)
40 g melted coconut oil
40-50 g white chocolate (e.g. Cavalier with stevia)
1/4 dl erythritol
seeds from a vanilla bean (or equivalent vanilla extract)
60 g cream cheese
2 small eggs
1/2 heaped ts baking powder
Food colouring

- Melt oil and chocolate together over boiling water (try avoid caramelising the chocolate).
- Whip eggs, cream cheese, erythritol together.
- Mix all the ingredients together.
- Put the batter into tiny muffin cups.
- Put in the oven at 160°C for 15-20 minutes.
- Cool them down before eating.


Chocholate fluff

1-2 eggehviter (rundt 40g)
litt salt
80g naturellyoghurt (eller crème fraîche, kokoskrem, kesam, pisket kremfløte...)
2 toppede ts kakaopulver
3 ts sukrin+ eller tilsvarende søtning
smak til med f eks kanel, chillipulver...

- Stivpisk eggehvite og salt
- Bland yoghurt (o.l.) med det tørre
- Rør så alt jevnt sammen

1-2 egg whites (about 40 grams)
a bit of salt
80g plain yogurt (or crème frâiche, coconut cream, whiped cream...)
2 heaped tsp cocoa powder
3 tsp truvia (or equivalent)
add spices etc to taste such as cinnamon, chilli powder...

- Whip egg whites and salt stiff
- Mix yogurt (or other creamy stuff) with the dry stuff
- Stir everything together

This was a remarkably tasty breakfast. I just thought you should know.

Pan roasted duck

Monday, October 14, 2013

I'm learning to roast duck, and this is how I'm doing it:
- Score the skin of the duck breast in diamonds
- Season with salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp 5-spice and a pinch of thyme
- Place skin side down in a cold pan and turn up the heat to medium-high for 6-8 minutes (until golden brown)
- Turn over the duck breast and seal the other side for 30 seconds
- Put it in the oven (skin side up) at 180 degrees Celsius for 10 (rare), 15 (medium) or 20 (well done) minutes

While it's in the oven and resting afterwards, I usually prepare a bit of mushrooms, shallots, garlic and spinach, by frying them all in the remaining duck fat. I leave the spinach towards the end, which I fry in the duck fat from the oven dish.

My resources:
Gressingham duck
Jamie Oliver's Best Bits

Turmeric omelette

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I have finally found the solution to pale and tasteless London eggs: Turmeric!

2 egg
hakket vårløk
1 ts fiskesaus (evt. 1 ss soyasaus)
1/2-1 ts gurkemeie
1 ts hvitløkspulver
1/2-1 ts ingefærpulver
1/2-1 ts sambal oelek
1 ts risvineddik
1 dært østerssaus til servering

- Bland alt utenom østerssausen og visp luftig og stek deretter som omelett!

2 eggs
hopped spring onion
1 tsp fish sauce (or 1tbs soy sauce)
1/2-1 ts turmeric
1 ts garlic powder
1/2-1 ts ginger powder
1/2-1 ts sambal oelek
1 tsp rice vinegar
1 splotch of oyster sauce

- Mix everything except for the oyster sauce together and make an omelette!

It's nice with some stir fried spinach

Egg drop soup

1/2 dl vann
1 kyllingbuljongterning / tilsvarende kyllingfond (ca 1.5 ss)
1 ts sesamolje
1-2 ts nøytral olje
1 ts soyasaus
1 ts hvitløkspulver
1 ts ingefærpulver
1/2-1 ts sambal oelek
2 egg
hakket vårløk

- Ha alt utenom egg og vårløk i en kaserolle, rør og kok opp.
- Visp sammen eggene og tilsett under sakte omrøring.
- Hakk og ha oppi vårløk, og du er ferdig!

1/2 dl/500g water
1 chicken stock cube / equivalent liquid chicken stock (about 1.5 tbs/23 grams)
1 tsp sesame oil
1-2 tsp neutral oil
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ginger powder
1/2-1 sambal oelek
2 eggs
chopped green onion

- Put everything except the eggs and onion into a po and boil.
- Whip the eggs and add to the rest while stirring slowly.
- Chop an add spring onion, and you're done!

The original, without garlic, ginger and sambal oelek.
